01642 760333 | enquiries@steptoes-footcare.co.uk
Expert treatments in well-equipped podiatry facilities at Stokesley

Nail Care
- Nail cut
- Problematic Nails
- Ingrown Toe Nails
- Nail surgery
- Fungal Nails
Podiatry and Footcare
- Corns & Callous
- Skin Conditions
- Verrucae
- Diabetic Footcare
- Massage & Manipulation
Musculoskeletal Podiatry
- Bio Mechanical & Gait Assessment
- Structural Assessment
- Muscle & Joint Problems
- Trauma Injury
- Plantar Fasciitis – Heel Pain
- Insole & off the shelf devices
- Customised Devices
- Bespoke Devices
- Sport Specific
- Gel Pads and Soles
K-Laser therapy
- Fungal nail infection
- Verrucas/warts
- Plantar fasciitis
- Chilblains
- Pain/Inflamation
To see a full range of our services, please visit the link below…
2 High Street, Stokesley TS9 5DQ